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Cradle Mountain Day Tour

Operated by Tours Tasmania
Dove Lake
Marions's Lookout
Cradle Mt
Cradle Mt
Cradle Mountain
Walking at Cradle
Dove Lake
National Park
Cradle Mountain National Park is an area of world-famous scenery with a variety of walking trails to choose from. With five hours to spend in the National Park, we leave our walking itinerary flexible to suit guests and weather conditions on the day. Enjoy a stop in Sheffield the 'town of murals'. Sheffield is a small and quirky village where the history of the Cradle region is depicted in artworks across the buildings. Continue into the mountains and arrive at Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake. Our guides will assist to ensure everyone has an opportunity to enjoy short, or longer walks that best suit them. Choose from the gentle and iconic Dove Lake Circuit or climb to loftier peaks to view the vastness of the surrounding World Heritage area from Marion’s Lookout. Enjoy lunch by a quiet stream, watch the famous and friendly Cradle wombats in their natural habitat. Cradle Mountain is the backdrop for a truly memorable and not to be missed Tasmanian experience. On our return to Launceston, refresh and refuel at the delicious Van Dieman's Land Ice Creamery and Christmas Hills Raspberry Farm. We return into Launceston around after a huge yet unforgettable day.

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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