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Sweetwater Cruise

Sweetwater Passengers
Sweetwater Hero Image
Sweetwater At Lovers Falls
SS Croydon
The shorter Pieman River Cruise, the Sweetwater Cruise, departs at 3pm, for a return to Corinna at 4pm. The Sweetwater takes a maximum of 8 passengers on a one hour smooth water cruise, viewing some of the glorious features of the Pieman River and having these features explained by one of our knowledgeable skippers. The journey, in a smaller Yamaha craft than the Arcadia II, has the advantage of accessing the Savage River, where the wreck of the S.S. Croydon (a ship sunk in 1919, around the size of the Arcadia II) can be seen at low tide with the right weather conditions, and of mooring at the stair case to Lover’s Falls – one of the signature experiences at Corinna, of which is only accessible by small boat or kayak. The cruise slowly returns, after taking in a long term wedge tailed eagle’s nest on the Pieman River, Lover’s Falls and the S.S. Croydon on the Savage River. At this point some guests choose to walk back to Corinna along the beautiful Savage River walk, which takes approximately 30-40 minutes on top of the original return time. Operates most days after the Pieman River Cruise.


Family Friendly

Non Smoking

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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