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Strathgordon Dam
Maydena Forestry region
Cyclist at the top of Mount Eliza
Cyclist at the top of Mount Eliza
Explorer Strathgordon and the surrounding dams and forestry history on a 3 day cycling experience around Strathgordon and the West Coast of Tasmania. Tasmania’s South West is a land of imposing mountains, raging rivers, button-grass plains and ancient forests. It contains the state’s largest national park — the aptly named Southwest National Park — and it is as remote as it is wild. It is the region’s wild nature that makes it such an enticing destination for a cycling adventure. This one is targeted toward the more intrepid adventurer. We will be taking a couple of forestry roads.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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