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Tour Operator

Eudaimonia Tasmanian Cycling Tours

Mount Amos
A field of cows
4 riders in their element
2 cyclists choosing local Bruny Island beer
A cyclist laughing
A cyclist found a boat
Cascade Brewery and Mountain Wellington in the background with a number of cyclists
The burning man at the Mid Winter Festival
Strathgordon dam wall
Born and raised in Tasmanian waters, the team at Eudaimonia Tasmanian Cycling Tours believe that Tasmania is best explored outdoors. We think that riding along open roads, whether surrounded by trees, a body of water, or maybe nothing but your own breath, is the perfect way to find oneself; to appreciate our place on this earth and how much there is around us. We want to help you step away from your everyday routine of work and scheduled rides and experience Tasmania in the best way known by our team; on two self-propelled wheels. We’re not here to tear each other to shreds (although in the right scenario, that is always a possibility). While we can’t guarantee tropical weather (or anything close for that matter), we’re here to find a balance between putting your feet up, relaxing by the pool and exploring what we have identified as the best parts of Tasmania. Whether you have two hours or two weeks, we are here to do all the thinking for you. From accommodation, route selection and the assurance of having a local to guide you along the way, we want you to experience the best Tassie has to offer. We pride ourselves in supporting rural communities and small businesses as our way of saying thank you to the amazing state in which we live!
Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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