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The roar in the rainforest comes from the water, thundering through valleys in white lines of rapids.

It’s unclear which is flowing faster – the river or the adrenaline – as inflatable rafts navigate and negotiate some of the wildest and most awe-inspiring of Tasmania’s rivers. Join a multi-day expedition on Australia's most celebrated wilderness river – the mighty Franklin – or hold on tight for a few hours of wild white-water in waterways across the state.


Best rafting

Franklin River

Famously saved from being dammed in the early 1980s, this legendary river is now the scene for one of the world’s premier rafting trips. The 100km journey runs deep into the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and takes seven to 11 days. Franklin River Rafting, Water by Nature and Tasmanian Expeditions run rafting trips on the Franklin.

King River

Day-long rafting trips on this wild west-coast river combine swiftly flowing waters and the rapids of a deep gorge with serene stretches of flat water. Slow the pace by rafting one way and returning to Queenstown aboard the West Coast Wilderness Railway.


Tourists and tour guide river rafting with King River Steam River & Raft Experience - King River Rafting.
Tourism Tasmania and Rob Burnett

Twin rivers

Splash through the Picton and Huon rivers on this classic half-day trip past ancient Huon pines and some of the world’s tallest trees. Rapids are grade II and III, making it an ideal family trip.

River sledding

Take an individual journey along the Meander River on half-day trips, drifting into rapids and steering around boulders on a river sled for one.


Travelling in lightweight inflatable rafts, these three-day trips with Cradle Mountain Canyons paddle through a spectacular gorge beneath the Alum Cliffs on the Mersey River, camping each night on the riverbank.

Wide angle image of a blue and yellow raft docked in an area of the Franklin River, with a waterfall in the background.
Rafts on the Franklin River
Tourism Tasmania & Water by Nature
Couple paddling with their oars on a raft with Twin Rivers Adventure - Tahune Adventures.
Twin Rivers kayaking
Tahune Adventures Tasmania

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