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Do I need a visa to visit Tasmania? Will my phone work? Are there biosecurity measures and beagles at the airport?

Yes, yes and yes. 

Here are some things you might need to know before visiting Tasmania.


Passport and visa

Tasmania is a state in the Commonwealth of Australia. 

All foreign travellers need a passport to enter Australia. Travellers entering Australia on a foreign passport need a visa regardless of the purpose or duration of their stay. There are currently limited international flights arriving directly in Tasmania, so most travellers arriving by air will pass through immigration at a mainland airport before arriving in Tasmania.

Air New Zealand operates direct flights between Auckland and Hobart. Passengers will pass through immigration at Hobart Airport.

Good news - most New Zealanders don’t need to apply for a visa, and will be granted a special visa on arrival. 

In case you were wondering, Tasmanians are citizens of Australia and travel on Australian passports.

For more information see Australian Border Force.


Travel and health insurance

While it’s not mandatory, travel insurance is highly recommended. Australia has reciprocal health care agreements with 11 countries. If your country of origin is not in this list, you should consider taking out health insurance for your trip. If you need medical care during your visit and you don’t have health insurance, you may be liable for the entire cost of treatment.

Find more information at page. Tourism Australia’s Health and Safety Frequently Asked Questions.



Ditch the apple core before you get off the plane. 

Tasmania has some of the world's most stringent biosecurity regulations - for good reason. The introduction of a pest or disease could have disastrous effects on the environment, wildlife, local industries and communities. 

Please help us keep Tasmania's disease-free status by ensuring that you’re not carrying or importing any restricted items, which include all fresh fruit and vegetables. You’ll likely see highly trained sniffer dogs (usually beagles) at work in Tasmanian airports and the ferry terminal. 

For details about what you can and can’t bring into Tasmania, see Biosecurity Tasmania. 


Time zone

Tasmania’s standard time zone is UTC/GMT + 10 hours. This is Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), the same as Sydney and Melbourne (and not to be confused with EST in North America). Tasmania observes daylight saving from early October until early April and becomes UTC/GMT + 11 hours and is Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) or AEDT.



There’s mobile phone coverage across Tasmania, though it doesn’t always extend to remote areas. The Telstra network has the most coverage across the state. When heading into wilderness areas, you should prepare for no phone reception and always carry a map on paper. Most hotels and accommodation offer free internet access, and there are wi-fi hotspots across the island. For international calls, dial 0011 and the country code. Australia’s country code is +61.


Working holidays

Love it so much you don’t want to leave? Before making plans for a working holiday, check the latest information on coming to Tasmania at

The Australian Government's Working Holiday Maker Program, which includes the Working Holiday visa and the Work and Holiday visa, is a cultural exchange program that enables young travellers to have an extended holiday and earn money through short-term employment.

If you’re aged between 18 and 30 and hold a passport for a country or region participating in Australia's Working Holiday Maker Program, you may be eligible to apply for a 12-month visa that enables you to work in Australia.

In certain circumstances, such as working in Australia's regional areas, there may be an option to extend a stay for an extra 12 months.

Find more information here about Working Holiday Visas in Australia.

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