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Night Penguin Viewing Tour

Breeding pair of penguins under rock
Little Penguin chicks outside burrow
Parent Penguin Feeding Chick
Penguin in Grass
Tours commence at dusk each night. However, seasonal factors may affect the number of penguins present. It is best to contact the tour guide beforehand to ascertain likely penguin numbers, their arrival time and expected weather conditions. Due to the rough terrain the tours may not be suitable for the elderly, physically handicapped and young children, although your tour guide can organise an alternative venue for these visitors so they do not miss out on the wonderful experience of seeing penguins in the wild. Bookings are important due to limited seating and space for parking vehicles on site. Warm, dark clothing is essential. Binoculars can be useful but torches, cameras and smartphones are prohibited as these may frighten and/or harm the penguins. Your guide will provide special penguin-friendly lighting during the tour. Donations are gratefully accepted and used to improve little penguin habitat. This activity is supported by Wildcare Inc and the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service. Penguin tours are currently suspended till late September 2020 due to Coronavirus.

Non Smoking

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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