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South Coast Track Tasmania

View of Freney Lagoon on day 1 of the Track
View of the climb up The Ironbound Range
View near the summit of The Ironbound Range
View from the summit of The Ironbound Range
Little Deadman's Bay - a welcome sight after climbing up then down The Ironbound Range
Prion Laggon with Precipitous Bluff in the background - a row across the laggon to a camp site
The South Coast Track in Tasmania is one of Australia’s best long-distance walks. You will experience pristine rainforests, empty and unspoiled beaches, the heights of the Ironbound Range, wild rivers, and plenty of mud along the way. You will require a good level of fitness to carry a full pack over 85km of varying terrain in this untouched wilderness area. After a spectacular flight by light plane from Hobart to Melaleuca, you will spend 8-9 days in an adventure that will live with you for a lifetime. All the logistics are provided, including pick up at Hobart airport, flights to Melaleuca, and transport at the finish to Hobart. Each day will finish at established campsites, with toilets available. The kilometres trekked each day will vary from 9km to 15km, and on each day you will experience a different landscape. This walk has a more varied landscape than The Overland Track and arguably better scenery. The two guides will provide cooking facilities for you, and will also collect the water provisions and further provide some history and background to the trek, and assist with camp setup each night. The guides carry a satellite phone and PLB to cover all emergencies.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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