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7 or 8 Day Full Franklin River Rafting Expedition

whitewater rafting action in the Great Ravine on the Franklin River in Tasmania
Coruscades - one of the finest Rapids in the Great Ravine - Franklin River Rafting
Relaxing by the Riverside on a Franklin RIver Rafting trip
This seven-day adventure takes you to the full navigable length of the Franklin River, deep in the heart of Tasmania's Wilderness World Heritage Area. Negotiating the untamed waters of the Franklin River is one of the world's best whitewater rafting adventures. The rafting starts on the Collingwood River, which soon joins up with the Franklin. We will rocket through the rapids of Descension Gorge and enjoy the serenity of the beautiful 'Irenabyss' or chasm of peace. As well as rafting through the Great Ravine, one of Tasmania's most spectacular gorges we will be spending some time along the lower reaches of the Franklin with its thick temperate rainforest punctuated by limestone cliffs and strange rock formations. This trip is adventurous, a reasonable level of fitness is important and should increase your enjoyment of this trip. Unpredictable river levels mean our trip will always be an adventure - it is possible to encounter both very low levels and floods within days of each other. Whatever the level, rafts offer the best way to explore this unique wilderness.


Disabled access available, contact operator for details.







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Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Accreditation

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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