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Flinders Island - The Jewel of Bass Strait

Sunset at Badgers Corner Flinders Island
Killiecrankie Beach
The Docks Flinders Island
Crystal clear water at Yellow Beaches
Magnificent Black Angus grazing on Flinders Island
Granite boulders at Yellow Beaches
Lillies Beach Flinders Island
Time for a cuppa on top of Mt Strzelecki
Marshall Bay Flinders Island
View from the summit of Mt Strzelecki
Experience the most beautiful corners of Flinders Island with a variety of coastal trails taking you to pristine and deserted beaches and two of the most majestic mountains on the island - Mt Strzelecki and Mt Killiecrankie. Whilst staying in a beautiful retreat in one of Tasmania's wild and untamed places, enjoy delicious and nutritional breakfasts each morning and freshly baked biscuits and cakes for morning and afternoon tea plus wonderful picnic lunches and gourmet dinners. You can also join Wendy each evening for a cooking demonstration using the fresh seasonal produce from her garden.

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