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Frenchman's Cap Walking Tours

Operated by Trek Tasmania
looking off frenchmans summit
At 1446 metres, Frenchman’s Cap is located in some of the most breathtaking mountain country in Tasmania. The landscape dominating Cap was first sighted from the Tasmanian west coast and was a landmark recorded with the establishment of the penal settlement on Sarah Island, in Macquarie Harbour (1822-1837). Sculptured through the Pleistocene glaciation age, the features of the mountain and its surrounds are spectacular and offer a challenging trekking adventure. The famous wild Franklin River snakes its way around Frenchman’s and forms part of this rewarding wilderness journey in the heart of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. 5 days enables us to complete this trek with good opportunities to summit this amazing peak and complete exploratory walks in the area. Day 1 : Depart Launceston, walk to Philips Lead | 12kms Day 2 : Philips Lead to Lake Tahune | 11kms Day 3 : Summit Frenchman’s Cap, camp Lake Tahune | 4kms Day 4 : Lake Tahune to Lake Vera | 7kms Day 5 : Lake Vera to Launceston | 16kms

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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