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Central Walls of Jerusalem Hiking Tour

Operated by Trek Tasmania
trek tours australia
The only way into The Walls of Jerusalem National Park is by foot, this remote untouched wilderness is only available to a select few. Our 4 day trek takes us into the heart of the Central Walls area where we camp for three nights. We have the luxury of some day pack walking on day two and three, so we can make the most of this spectacular place and get to the mountain peaks and remoter sections of the park a little easier. Itinerary Day 1 : Depart Launceston, walk to Walls of Jerusalem National Park camp | 7kms There is a pre-trip briefing this morning at the Aspire Adventure Equipment Gear Store 136 York Street, Launceston Day 2 : Central Walls of Jerusalem day walk | 8-12kms Day 3 : Central Walls of Jerusalem day walk | 8-12kms Day 4 : Walk out of Walls of Jerusalem National Park camp | 7kms

Family Friendly

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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