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Overland Track Walking Tours

Operated by Trek Tasmania
Trek Overland
trekkers south side of cradle
Trek Tasmania
The Overland Track is Australia’s most iconic wilderness trekking journey. Trek Tasmania offers an opportunity to experience this classic Tasmanian bushwalking adventure, showcasing everything that this Tasmanian wilderness world heritage area has to offer. We spend 6 days walking the track, staying at purpose-built group camping sites each night; add to this the company and expertise of some of the very best wilderness guides and you are guaranteed a trek of a lifetime. Itinerary Summary Day 1 : Depart Launceston, Ronny Creek to Waterfall Valley | 10.7kms (+2 km Cradle Mountain) Day 2 : Waterfall Valley to Lake Windermere | 8kms (+3 km Lake Will) Day 3 : Lake Windermere to Pillion Plains | 17kms (+1 km Old Pelion) Day 4 : Pelion Plains to Kia Ora | 8.5kms (+5km Mt Ossa) Day 5 : Kia Ora to Windy Ridge | 9.5kms (+2.5km waterfalls) Day 6 : Windy Ridge to Narcisuss, return to Launceston | 9kms

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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