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Tour Operator

The Julie Burgess - Tall Ship Experiences

JB under full sail
JB off bluff
JB heads to the mouth
Our Mission is to preserve a unique piece of Australian maritime history as a working tall ship, powered by the spirit of community, to provide community services, education, experiences and entertainment and promote Devonport and Tasmania. We host short and full-day sails around the Devonport and North West Tasmanian Coast aboard this fully restored historic Tasmanian Fishing Ketch. Our crew of highly skilled and experienced sailors can provide charter services and interesting and historical dockside events. The Julie Burgess is owned and operated by the Julie Burgess Inc. - a not for profit organisation based in Devonport on the North West coast of Tasmania. The organisation is run by volunteers who have proudly restored, and maintain and operate the Julie Burgess.
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