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Fly Fishing at a Private Tasmanian Fishery

Operated by The Highland Fly
2 fisherman sitting on a log  waiting for an insect hatch at Herne Lodge
A fisherman holding a rainbow trout he has just caught at Twin Lakes before letting it go.
A fisherman holding a rainbow trout he has just caught at Twin Lakes Private Fishery
A fisherman holding a large brown trout  he just caught at 28 Gates
The Highland Fly can put together a fly fishing package for you at a number of exceptional private fisheries. These fisheries are a great option for novices and experienced fishers alike Herne Lodge, in Tasmania's Central Highlands, Twin Lakes, in southern Tasmania and 28 Gates, in the Derwent Valley These packages can be organised on an all inclusive basis, including transfers from your accommodation in Hobart


Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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