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Maria Island and Cradle Mountain Experience

Discover the history of Maria Island
Explore Maria Island on foot
Combining both the coast and the cradle, this trip allows you to explore the highlights of both Maria Island and Cradle Mountain. On Maria Island you can look forward to experiencing the best that Maria Island has to offer as we set our sights high to Mt Maria (711 m), the tallest mountain on the island, and the rugged Dolerite peak of Bishop and Clerk (620 m). You’ll experience the challenge of the mountains and the serenity of the beach and ocean as your guides show you the way and interpret the landscape and the history with stories that will bring it all to life. In Cradle Mountain National Park, which you will explore on foot over three days you will explore the base of the Great Western Tiers on foot before a visit to the fascinating caves of the Mole Creek Karst National Park. It's then on to the Cradle Mountain National Park high country where you'll have a number of impressive walks to choose from, you can even tackle the summit of Cradle Mountain (weather permitting). The 360-degree panoramic views of Tasmania's highest mountains and surrounding wilderness area from the summit of Cradle Mountain is simply unbeatable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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