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Heritage Sailing Tasmania - SV Rhona H

Rhona H under full sail
SV Rhona H at Quarantine Bay
SV Rhona H Dark MOFO
Kids at the helm under supervision
New sails on SV Rhona H
Tasman Bridge, Tasmania from SV Rhona H
Sailing the Tasman Bridge
Two of the crew at the helm steering away from the Tasman Bridge
"SV Rhona H" is a traditional tall ship. She is a Gaff-rigged Topsail Ketch and is now one of Hobart's icons as she sails from the waterfront most weekends and during summer, some Thursday twilight sails. "Rhona H" was professionally built by Tasmanian shipwright Ned Jack in the best of timbers, Huon Pine over Celery Top frames. She fished commercially until converted for charter work in 1989. Charles and Julie are re-establishing the art of traditional sailing and skills: knots, splicing and fancy rope work. No sailing experience is required; guests can choose to help sail or sit back and relax. Fabulous photo opportunities! One Day Conference and Group Tour packages are available. Treat yourself to a memorable Sightseeing Trip, Sailing Cruise, scrumptious refreshments and return to Hobart.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.


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EcoStar Accreditation

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Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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