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Stories from Penguin's heritage cemetery App tour- Voices in the wind

Cemetery's unique gravestone
Heritage Lookout cemetery
Cartographer Map shows all burials and locations
Ironwork typical in heritage cemeteries
Dates back to WW1
Gravestones over a century old
Opened in 1869 and decommissioned in 1977, the lookout cemetery houses 1847+ burials. People who helped to shape Penguin into what it is today. Their voices in the wind. Our 2022 self-guided audio App shares the stories of 21 of its burials as told by locals. Many of the stories are over a century old. Violet Yeo’s drowning. Baby Dunham drowning in the copper. An accidental shooting. Felling a tree. Death of a jockey on his last ride. Unloading a lorry. Sheep stealing convicts and many more.

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