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Small group Photography Experiences

group of 6 females walking along nature trail. They are all carrying their cameras.
male photography takes a photo while he stands on the edge of the coast with waves coming in.
2 females standing on beach - both with cameras. one providing individual instruction to the other
one man and one lady with their cameras standing in a barren landscape of yellowed grass
Shutterbug Walkabouts' Small-group Photography Experiences allow individual photo enthusiasts to join an enriching experience in lutruwita / Tasmania. Ideal for solo travellers who enjoy discovering new or different photography techniques in the company of a small group (maximum 6-8 participants) of like-minded photographers. This collection of Experiences comprises a range of pre-scheduled photography tutorials, walkabouts, tours, overnight getaways, and workshops. Each scheduled Experience primarily focuses on one or two of the sub-genres of nature photography - like landscape, long exposure, low and night photography, and bird and/or wildlife photography. Photographers' Day Out and Overnight Getaways provide an array of photography opportunities based on the area being travelled.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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