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Mt Field National Park Nature Photography Retreat

2 participations with Tall Tree Walks
Russel Falls
Nature photoshoot
Deluxe picnic lunch featuring Tasmanian foodie delights
Autumn Fungi
Fagus nothofagus gunnii
Fagus season
This nature photography retreat at Tasmania's Mt. Field National Park offers participants the opportunity to experience the region's spectacular natural splendour. The retreat contains cool-climate rainforests, alpine vistas, and mountain habitats, allowing travellers to find hidden treasures such as lakes, rivers, waterfalls, fungus, and ferns. In addition, participants are going to encounter local creatures and birds in their natural environment. The location of the hotel is convenient, reducing travel time to photographic spots, some of which are within walking distance. The retreat is tailored to individual interests, including nature excursions, photo sessions, and other activities designed to improve the photographic experience. Whether you prefer quiet walks, intensive photo sessions, or a combination of the two, the retreat is designed to satisfy your needs and provide unique experiences. This retreat offers two options: Option 1: A premium all-inclusive experience. Option 2: A flexible self-drive, self-catering journey. For additional information, including pricing, inclusions, and booking details, please visit our website.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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