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Photography Day Out - Hartz Mountains and Tahune Forest

A guest walkig along wooden path through Alpine moorland on Hartz Mountain
Above the ground looking over the treetops at Tahune Airwalk
A guest walking on wooden path through the Alpine moorland with rugged mountain tops in the distance
Overlooking the top of a lush green fern
Guest standing at the edge of the Huon River pointing camera to boats on the water
Guests walking along the Tahune Airwalk high amongst the tree tops
Guest standing at the cantilevered part of the Tahune Airwalk pointing camera to the river below
Shutterbug Walkabouts' Photography Day Out is a privately guided day tour for anyone who loves to explore the great outdoors and photograph nature's beauty. On this Photography Day Out in southern Tasmania's Huon Valley, you'll travel from Hobart through the historic towns of Huonville, Franklin and Geeveston, along the mighty Huon River and through rural landscapes into the southern forests of Tasmania. Immerse yourself in a natural environment of glacial landscapes of mountains and lakes, alpine heath and rainforest. Admire ancient native trees of King Billy and enjoy breathtaking views from high in the treetops on the Tahune Airwalk. Shutterbug Walkabouts' Photography Days Out are perfect for photo enthusiasts starting on their photography journey and seasoned photographers alike.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.


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