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Photography Day Out - Bruny Island

Foreground of hill, looking out to Cape Bruny cliffs surrounded by water.
A male flame robin with an orange belly, standing on tree trunk.
Grass trees, xanthorrhoea australis
A rolling field overlooking water surrounding mountains and cliffs at Cape Bruny Island
Guest on private Shutterbug Walkabouts tour standing on beach with water in background
Two hooded plovers on shoreline at Bruny Island
Panoramic view from the Neck lookout at Bruny Island. Water surrounding a thin strip of land.
White wallaby turning its head to look at camera
Guest on Shutterbug Walkabout tour sitting on the ground photographing a nearby echidna
Parent pied oyster catchers (birds) with chick between them, standing on the beach
A Shutterbug Walkabouts Photography Day Out is a privately guided day tour for anyone who loves to explore the great outdoors and photograph nature's beauty. On this day trip to Bruny Island, we'll travel from Hobart across the D'Entracasteaux Channel on a vehicular ferry to Bruny Island where we spend the day exploring coastal landscapes and habitats. Shutterbug Walkabouts' Photography Days Out are perfect for photo enthusiasts starting on their photography journey and seasoned photographers alike. Highlights: Visit 'The Neck' lookout, Adventure Bay, Cape Bruny and other picturesque hidden gems. Immerse in the natural environment, panoramic seascapes, pristine beaches; Look with awe across the Southern Ocean, out to the horizon as far as your eye can see; Embrace the opportunity to photograph an abundance of birds and unique wildlife, like the Bruny Island white wallaby or an Echidna;

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.


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