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Lake Margaret Hydro Power

Hydropower turbines
abandoned village, ghost town
Lake Margaret Lower station weir spilling
Inside the roaring power station
Hydropower life.
ghost town
Hydropower village life 1914
Approaching the 1914Lake Margaret powerhouse. Admire the architecture inspired by Maltese tradesmen.
Enjoy the space at the Paragon Theatre with some other local points of interest before one of RoamWild Tasmania's guides take you to visit the 1914 commissioned hydropower station and still standing abandoned village. Tour the village and enjoy an interpretive visit to the village hall. Take in the video presentation of the wonderful lifestyle people enjoyed here while your guide prepares a morning or afternoon refreshment. Enter the still authentically working power station and touch the wooden pipelines that still deliver water to the turbines. Call into the mine site to view the receiving station (The Sub), the original railway sheds and workshops of the Mt Lyell ABT railway with other points of interest on the return journey. Note: The Lake Margaret hydropower scheme is in full operation, is a working industrial site and is one of Hydro Tasmania's generating assets.


Family Friendly

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Four Wheel Driving

Mountain Biking


EcoStar Accreditation icon

EcoStar Accreditation

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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