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Tour Operator

Platypus @ The Empire Hotel

Platypus in the wild
Ducks feeding with bums up in the river
Beautiful trees in blossom along the river walk next to the Meander River
Platypus seen in the Meander River on a tour.
Look for Platypus while you wonder along the Meander River
Discover Deloraine's wild platypus on a free guided tour (t's & c's apply). This is a must-see for anyone who has never seen a platypus in the wild. The tour will take you on a gentle walk around the river foreshore in the picturesque town of Deloraine. You will learn about all the things that make platypus such a unique animal. The guide will help you spot these elusive creatures while enjoying the delightful surrounds of Deloraine, in northern Tasmania. The tour duration is approximately one hour and departs most evenings from The Empire Hotel. Our tour is timed to the habits of our local platypus, so call ahead to check departure times.

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