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Overland Track Walk

walking Overland Track
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
Overland Track Tasmania
This is a 6-day Overland Track adventure; you’ll carry a large pack and learn to adapt in the wilderness. With this adventure departing in the main walking season from October to May, conditions are generally good for camping and walking. The roughly 65km Overland Track starts at Cradle Mountain in Tasmania’s central northwest and finishes at the northern shores of Lake St Clair. As you head south, you will pass through an array of unique Central Highland landscapes, such as moss-lined Jurassic-looking forests, low alpine moorlands, eucalyptus woodlands and scenic mountain plateaus and passes. Along the way, there are also side trips where you will visit pristine lakes, beautiful waterfalls and historic landmarks, and weather permitting, climb Mt Ossa, the highest mountain in Tasmania. It’s hard not to see why this iconic track draws walkers from all over the world to experience the beauty of this Wilderness World Heritage Area.

Does not cater for people with access needs.


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