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Huon Valley & Channel Day Out

Frank's cider
Franks cider
The Wooden Boat Centre
Peppermint Bay
Peppermint Bay
The Apple Shed
Huon Valley
A great day out exploring both the Channel District and Huon Valley. After departing Hobart we will call in at the unique Margate Train where guests can choose to enjoy an excellent breakfast of coffee and pancakes. Passing through the township of Cygnet, we will then head through the township of Franklin where time permitting a leisurely walk along the riverbank or a visit to a local cider cellar door. The journey will then continue on through Geeveston and on to the amazing Tahune Airwalk. On the return journey, we will take a break to enjoy the locally renowned Willie Smith's Apple Shed which produces its own high quality, organic cider.

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