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takayna/Tarkine Photography Workshop

Sarah Anne
Tarkine Forest
Tarkine Forest
Tarkine Coastline
Tarkine Coastline
Tarkine Coastline
The Tarkine Wilderness is a place that has to be seen to be believed. Completely untouched and in the wild west coast of Tasmania. From the temperate rainforests to the sand dunes along the rugged beauty of the west coast, the Tarkine Wilderness is a place of mystery and incredible beauty. Within the Tarkine region you also have an array of untamed wild rivers, coastal heathlands and incredible cave systems. All this inside a 447,000-hectare region. For 4 nights and 5 days we will immerse ourselves into this region, staying at the lovely Tall Timbers accommodation at Smithton, just a stones through away from this incredible Tarkine region. Luxury accommodation on the doorstep of this amazing region will allow us quick access to all areas within the Tarkine region. We will cover topics ranging from the very basics of landscape photography to the advanced skills required to capture stunning images from even more stunning locations. Each day we will set aside time to load up the computers and learn the art of editing your images via the Adobe Lightroom program. This is very special place the Tarkine, including home to Australia's largest patch of temperate rainforest.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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