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Blue Derby MTB Trails Tour

Blue Derby MTB Trails
The most recent addition to the Tassie trail network, the Derby area is set to become one of the most coveted trail areas in the country. The highlight is the fantastic scenery through stunning old growth forest coupled with magnificent trails built with amazing attention to detail. The area has something for everyone, from easier introductory trails right through to some quite challenging ascents/descents. On this trip, we can customise the day to suit the group due to the numerous options available. The trip starts in Launceston with hotel pick up at 0830 before we drive through the picturesque northeast to Derby. We then spend the day on the bike with a break for lunch alongside one of the many quiet streams in the area. More riding in the afternoon before returning to Launceston. Ask about the option of combining this trip with Hollybank to make a great two-day experience.

Does not cater for people with access needs.


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