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Mole Creek Caves

Marakoopa Cave Underground Rivers Tour
Marakoopa Cave Great Cathedral Tour
Marakoopa Cave Underground Rivers Tour
Marakoopa Cave
Marakoopa Creek
Calcite Straw
Pristine little cave pool surrounded by stunning white formations and crystle clear reflections
meandering through the n arrows surrounded by colourful shawls
The entrance to King Solomons cave  is surrounded by  lush verdant rainforest and winding paths.
The Fern Glade is a 15 minute rainforest walk from the  Visitor Centre to  Marakoopa cave
Mole Creek Caves are located in the Mole Creek Karst National Park, in the central north of Tasmania about 40 minutes drive west of Deloraine. There are two caves Marakoopa and King Solomons caves open to the public with tours operating every day of the year excluding Christmas day. If you plan to visit Both Marakoopa and Kings Solomon's Caves, remember that it will take about 15 minutes to drive between caves. Entrance to the caves is by tour only. The tours run for 45 minutes. Bookings are strongly recommended and can be made 9 am-4 pm 14 days prior to your tour. To book, phone (03) 6363 5182. Tickets for all three tours are available from the Mole Creek Caves Visitor Centre at 330 Mayberry Road, Mayberry about 600 metres before the entrance to Marakoopa Cave. Eftpos, Visa, Mastercard, and cash are accepted. Marakoopa Cave Underground Rivers and Glow Worms: Daily 10am, 12pm and 2pm. Additional tours are offered 4pm from 1 October to May 31. Great Cathedral and Glow Worms: Daily 11am, 1pm and 3pm. King Solomons Cave Daily 10:30, 11.30am, 12.30, 1:30, 2.30 and 3.30pm.


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