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Best of Southern Tasmania - Noon to Night Private Photography Workshop

Luke Tscharke - Noon to night private photography workshop in Southern Tasmania
Experience the magic of Southern Tasmania from noon to night with our comprehensive landscape photography workshop. This full-day session focuses on long exposure techniques, sunset photography, and nightscapes. If conditions are favourable, you might even have the chance to chase the aurora! Where we go is up to you, from exploring the diverse landscapes of the Southwest and Central Highlands to the slopes of kunanyi/Mount Wellington. Luke will help guide you in creating a custom itinerary that will make the most of the conditions on offer across Southern Tasmania. With a maximum of three participants, you’ll enjoy an intimate and focused learning environment, perfect for elevating your photography skills and discovering the wonders of Tasmania.

Family Friendly

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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