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Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk - Life's an Adventure

Guides be guiding on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Walk with Life's An Adventure
Amazing views on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
So much scenery on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
The Tarn Shelf on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
Mt Field NP on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
True tranquillity on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
Stunning Views on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
High on life on the Lake Pedder & South West Wilderness Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
This fantastic three-day walking holiday explores the remote South West Wilderness region near Lake Pedder. The park holds some of Australia’s most striking features including wild rivers, rugged mountains, button grass plains and green rain forests. The beauty of this area is its seclusion, being cut off from the chaos of the modern world. Our speciality is providing Pack-Free walks allowing our guests the opportunity to walk with as little as their water lunch, and camera. Spend one night in Lake Pedder Wilderness Lodge, a place of tranquillity and breathtaking scenery. Relax in the main lounge by the cosy fireplace taking in breathtaking views. Our other night we stay on the edge of the remote South West Wilderness at the Giants’ Table & Cottages. Personalised tours are available. Our guides are proudly 100% Tasmanian. Our chief guide in this region Jef is Tasmanian born and bred. His wonderful storytelling ability and his vast knowledge of the Tasmanian wilderness provide the perfect combination to make your experience all that more enjoyable. Each night dine in the Twelvetrees restaurant at Lake Pedder Wilderness Lodge, showcasing views of Lake Pedder and the Twelvetrees Range. Benjamin Knack, the resident Chef, comes up with creative menu ideas utilising locally sourced produce and served with Tasmanian wine.


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