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City to Snow (2½ hr Return Tour)

kunanyi/Mt Wellington Explorer Bus snow tour at The Pinnacle.
Snow at the summit of kunanyi/Mt Wellington.
Snow covered landscape with bus in the distance.
Passengers playing in the snow. Bus in the background.
Lookout and observation areas covered in snow.
Join us for a special experience to travel up into the snow on Hobart’s iconic kunanyi/Mt Wellington. Enjoy the 2½ hour return tour from Hobart, including the time to play and have fun in the snow. On a clear day, take in the spectacular views over the city of Hobart and southern Tasmania. If there’s snow on the mountain, we can take you there! kunanyi/Mt Wellington Explorer Bus have exclusive and unique access to kunanyi/Mt Wellington when Pinnacle Road is closed due to snow. Admire the snow-covered landscape of kunanyi/Mt Wellington as you lay in the snow to make snow angels, throw a few snowballs or build your very own snowman. A truly memorable experience for anyone who has never seen snow before! Hop back on the heated bus to make your return journey to Hobart. Enjoy professional and informative commentary from your driver, revealing insights into the connection between the people of Hobart and their beloved mountain.

Family Friendly

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

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