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Cataract Gorge Cultural Tour

Welcome to Country ceremony at Launceston Cataract Gorge
Owner, Greg providing an insight into Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture
Wandering past the Guardians of the Gorge
Gain a deeper understanding of the significance of Launceston’s Cataract Gorge as tour operator and Trawlwoolway man, Greg Murray brings the landscape to life through his stories and insight into the rich Tasmanian Aboriginal culture. After participating in a Welcome to Country ceremony performed with locally sourced Ochre, sample bush tucker and wander past the striking dolerite boulders, known as ‘Guardians of the Gorge’ and protectors of this spiritual area for over 200 million years. Just a short drive away is The First Tasmanians exhibition at the Queen Victoria Art Gallery. Explore the history and culture of the Tasmanian Aboriginal people at this engaging exhibition, developed under the guidance of the QVMAG Aboriginal Reference Group. Explore stories of creation, perspectives on astronomy, craft technology and discover the various tools used for hunting and daily life.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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