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King Island Walks

A photo of Disappointment Bay with rock covered with orange lichen in the foreground
A view of Currie Lighthouse at dusk looking out to sea
View of the cliffs at Seal Rocks on King Island, looking south
View of Porky Beach looking north
View of the beach at Lake Martha Lavinia in the Ramsar wetland
Enjoying a walk along a deserted beach on King Island
King Island – an isolated and rugged walking experience. Worlds away from the crowds, you’ll breathe the freshest air in the world and be invigorated by the force of the Roaring Forties. Take a walk on the wild side! Walking King Island is so much more than a hike. Each guided experience unlocks the island’s rich and unique stories. Learn about the dark history of shipwrecks, about local flora and fauna, about the isolated and innovative way of life for the locals, and more. You’ve not been anywhere like here before. Whether you’re an experienced trekker or you just like to scroll, walking King Island’s coastline grants you the time and space to be fully present, appreciating the solitude and relinquishing your worries and stresses from ‘away’.
Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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