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Derby One Day Warrior

Operated by Into The Wild
Into the Wild
It’s the birthplace of mountain biking in Tasmania, a legend in its own time. Since opening in 2017, Derby has hosted the Enduro World Series multiple times. Its ‘hero dirt’ is the tactile terrain bikers dream of, looped around a natural bowl created by the gods of mountain biking. All trails lead to Derby – literally. There’s something for everyone, with 120 kilometres of trail. Rusty Crusty is a rolling warm-up, or get stuck straight into boulders, berms and descents on Flickity Sticks. There’s air on Air-Ya-Garn and panoramic views of the town on the steep and technical Trouty. An hour to the east of Derby is the equally renowned Blue Tier and peaceful, mesmerising trails through the myrtle forest. How We Roll : You have our top-of-the-range expedition rig to yourself, all trail transfers and shuttles. We make personalised trail recommendations based on your riding style, and stay flexible as your experience of the place expands.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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