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Highland Getaway ATV farm tour

macy brush
atv tour
photograph calves
atv tour
Walk amongst the Highland Cattle, feed the friendly alpacas and go for an ATV farm tour at Highland Getaway in the Huon Valley. It's an amazing experience. Bring your cameras to get some selfies with the animals. The Highland cattle love having their photo taken and the alpacas are always happy for a feed. You'll go for a ride in Julie's 6 seater ATV around the 127 acre property to see the Highlands. Then back up to the Homestead for some refreshments. It's roughly two and a half hours altogether. Boots will be supplied for biosecurity. Tours are available for $110 per person (with children at discounted rates).


Family Friendly

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Scenic drives

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