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Hobart Waterfront Jaunt

Waterfront carriage ride in front of IXL
Take a horse drawn carriage tour past the historic sandstone buildings of Salamanca Place, passing by Parliament House and over to the IXL building and cruise ship terminals. Waterfront jaunts last for around 30 minutes. You'll get a wonderful view of Mt Wellington as it looms over the city and also see the bustling waterfront up close. As we drive past a Hobart institution, Mures, make sure you wave to all the bystanders! You'll learn how the Hobart waterfront of today is much different to the 1800s and why IXL was such a big part of that change. A really great tour for families and a wonderful evening tour. The lights of the city are truly magical.


Family Friendly

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Accreditation icon

Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Accreditation

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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