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Coach Tours Tasmania

Orange lichen on rocks at the Bay Of Fires
Beach walk at Taylor's Beach at the Bay Of Fires
Fresh oysters from Lease 65 on the Bay Of Fires tour
snow capped Cradle Mountain
Mother and baby wombat at Cradle Mountain
Walking around Dove Lake at Cradle Mountain
Fairy penguins at Low Head Penguin Tour
Sunset over Low Head at the penguin tour
Bridestowe Lavender Farm during Summer
Coach Tours Tasmania are proud to offer a range of day tours ex-Launceston. Experienced local drivers with vast product knowledge of all things tourism in Tasmania. Travel in mini-buses, a maximum of 10 passengers, to provide all clients with a more personalised tour. Choose from scheduled departure tours to Bay of Fires, Cradle Mountain, Bridestowe Lavender Farm and Low Head Penguin Tours. We also offer private charters for small groups that wish to visit places within easy reach of Launceston, Including but not limited to, Wineglass Bay, Food & Wine, Hobart, MONA, Salamanca, Tamar Valley wineries, Tasmanian Devils, Tasmanian Wildlife, historic Tasmanian Estates gardens, caves, general sightseeing, Cradle Mountain transfers and more. And the added bonus of a private charter is you have sole use of the vehicle, so you are not sharing the bus with strangers.
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