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Tour Operator

Gone Golfing Tours

Golfer at King Island
Barnbougle Lost Farm
King Island golf course
Ocean Dunes 4th Hole
Barnbougle golf course
Golf courses in Tasmania
Exclusive 16 people golf group tours made up of amateur golfers from all over Australia, where you can build new acquaintances and golfing friendships. Tours also include direct flights to our Tasmanian golfing destinations from Essendon, Melbourne. Packages provide accommodation, transportation around the island, and some of the most prestigious golf courses in Tasmania, if not the world. Courses such as Barnbougle Lost Farm, Barnbougle Dunes, King Island's Cape Wickham and Ocean Dunes and other Tasmanian golf courses. Tour packages may also include Tasmanian tourism destinations such as Port Author, Mona Museum, Salamanca Market, The nut in Stanley, and Ratho Farm the oldest golf course outside of Scottland in the world, right here in Tasmania. And some of the finest Tasmanian seafood cuisine.

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