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Fun Tassie Tours

Summit Mt Wellington for panoramic views with Fun Tassie Tours.
Robert & Morgan Wilson of Fun Tassie Tours atop stunning Mt Wellington lookout.
Join us for a visit to the Bay of Fires and see the stunning colours.
Stunning Russell Falls in Mt Field National Park. This is close to flood level.
Cradle Mountain is often a guest favourite while travelling with Fun Tassie Tours.
Built by convicts in 1823. We visit the beautiful Richmond Bridge on many of our tour itineraries.
Fun Tassie Tours at another fantastic lookout location on our weekly tours.
Join us for lunch as we frequest several great local wineries around Tasmania.
Enjoy a Tassie Devil presentation on most itineraries with Fun Tassie Tours
Travel in any of our 3 luxury vehicles. With 17 seats we always cap the groups at 12 guests.
Fun Tassie Tours are Tasmania's leading small group tour specialists. Our itinerary packages are designed to ensure a relaxed and comfortable small group environment. We move fast enough to visit many of Tasmania's most iconic locations yet slow enough to enjoy the scenery. Our typical guest ages on tour range between 35-70yrs although we often have guests either side. We travel in luxury 17 seater Iveco mini coaches with leather seats and overhead storage. With a maximum of 12 guests we never fill any of our buses to ensure guests enjoy ample space and comfort. We have a range of itinerary options from 5-13 days in length and can also accommodate private touring groups. We have weekly departures during the 9-month long season September-May. Our tours are suitable for couples, families, friends and YES we also cater for Single travellers!
Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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