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MONA with Mt Wellington

Welligton Summit
View of Hobart from Mt Wellington/kunanyi Lookout
stream on Mt Wellington
MONA Ferry
View from MONA
Locally known as 'The Mountain', the scenic drive to the summit of Mt Wellington unfolds into a magnificent splendour of panoramic vistas over the city. Then travel to MONA with its compelling display of art and architecture before returning to Hobart by ferry. Reach the summit of Mt Wellington, where waiting before you is the magnificent views of the Derwent River lying next to the historically significant city of Hobart. The panoramic views of the city will have you not wanting to leave. With 'The Mountain' right at the doorstep of Hobart, your tour of Mt Wellington finishes in the morning allowing the rest of the day to explore MONA's art, architecture and perhaps take in some wine or beer tasting at their in-house brewery and winery.

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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