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Ultimate Gravel Tour of Tasmania

Abandoned cafe in Linda Tasmania
Two cyclists surrounded by trees
Two cyclists approaching the Ben Lomond turn off
Green pastures
Cyclists amongst trees
Ben Lomond
We’re excited to offer a 7 day road and gravel tour of Tasmania. We kick off the first day with an epic summit of the famous Ben Lomond and Jacob’s Ladder. We follow an ‘off the beaten track’ route to Derby as well as traversing the Hydro focused Central Highlands. With the emergence of the gravel scene in the cycling community and the endless forestry and back gravel roads in Tasmania, this tour is not to be missed. Most of the gravel in Tassie is pretty tame, as such tyres with a minimum of 32 mm clearance and disc brakes will suffice, although please note that fatter tyres may be more comfortable. There are a number of steep sections on this route so be prepared to bring your best climbing legs to the party.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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