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Cygnet Cycling Festival

Nick Reiwoldt riding in 2020's event
cyclist in foreground, Port Cygnet in bakcground
3 cyclists on gravel
Wattle Grove rd
Cyclists going down hill
One of the most scenic and iconic events on the Tasmanian cycling calendar. A picturesque ride right in the heart of Cygnet with varying distances from a family friendly ride, a 26km social ride and a 60km road race. A unique and iconic event to challenge all levels of cyclists. We are once again hosting the Tasmanian State Road Championships as part of the 2024 Hell of the South race. A picturesque 60km race right in the heart of Cygnet. A unique and iconic event to challenge all levels of cyclists. A local tradition run by Hobart Wheelers for over 20 years sees the competition take riders up gruelling hills, along the flowing coast and put their bike handling skills to the test on the infamous gravel section. Whether a seasoned pro or weekend warrior, this is the one Tasmanian event that should never be missed.


Electric Vehicle Charging Point

Family Friendly

Non Smoking

Pet Friendly - Enquire

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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