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Cradle Country Adventures

Horse Riding
Come and join us on our 3 hour or full day Bakers Beach Ride
Cradle Country Adventures
Cradle Country Adventures offers horse-riding tours on 3 beautiful locations: Harveydale (near Birralee), Bakers Beach, and Cradle Mountain. Cradle Mountain tours climb up from our stables in the heart of 'The Vale of Belvoir' to the 'Speeler Plain' where you experience magnificent views of Cradle Mountain, Barn Bluff, The Great Western Tiers and Mount Roland. Tours range from two to five hours including transfers to and from your Cradle Mountain accommodation. Also offering multi day rides through the beautiful Mersey Valley with options of days at both Cradle Mountain and Narawntapu National Parks - beaches, forests and mountains, it's the complete Tasmanian horse-riding experience. Visitors can stay at the accommodation at the shearer's quarters at Kimberley as well as the Bakers Beach homestead as well as dinner and breakfast packages. "The Quarters" and the Bakers Beach homestead are self contained and rooms are either double or twin bed configuration.


Horse Riding

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