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Flinders Island Long Long Weekend 5-Day - Group-Guided

Mount Strzelecki
Marshall Beach
Trousers Point
This is literally a walker’s paradise, with mountains, forests, and incredible beaches at every turn. To put it simply, the diversity of walking here is astonishing. A visit to the remote and mostly uninhabited Flinders Island is like stepping back in time. The pace of life here is slower, the locals friendlier, and the air, perhaps the cleanest in the world. The walking here is so impressive and so breathtakingly gorgeous it’s a wonder that this place remains so unknown. Imagine the Bay of Fires meets Wilsons Promontory on steroids, and it’s no wonder this was all part of the same mountain range when Tasmania was still joined to the mainland. Mt Strzelecki is the tallest mountain in this mountain range and definitely the most striking. Wildlife abounds with wallabies, Cape Barren geese, wild peacocks, pheasants, various birds of prey and large numbers of seabirds all calling this place home. One evening we will cruise over to the Short Tailed Shearwater birds feeding grounds, which are three small island off Flinders Island, and watch the clouds of birds swoop in to feed their young.

Non Smoking

Does not cater for people with access needs.


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