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Tasmanian Wilderness

Gordon River Cruise
West Coast Wilderness Train
The Tasmanian Wilderness hosts a diversity of unspoiled habitats and ecosystems, with plants and animals found nowhere else, and some of the world's oldest and most extensive tracts of temperate rainforest. It also boasts some of the cleanest air and waterways in the world, such as the Franklin, Gordon and Arthur Rivers. The rugged and pristine coastlines around Cape Grim on the west, juxtaposed with the beautiful turquoise waters of the Freycinet Peninsula on the east, highlight that you have just about reached the bottom of the planet, remote and largely untouched by human activity. Join us on a seven-day fly-around exploration, enjoying the abundant local produce and epic wilderness, all shared by a small group of like-minded travellers and expert local guides who will happily tell you about life in their region of Tasmania's great wilderness.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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