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Barnbougle & Cape Wickham - 3 day golf tour

Barnbougle Lost Farm
Barnbougle Dunes
Cape Wrickham 17th
Barnbougle Dunes
Cape Wickham Golf Course
Barnbougle Dunes
Barnbougle Dunes
Barnbougle Dunes
Barnbougle Lost Farm
There is no better way to play Tasmania's world-class golf courses than with Air Adventure Golf. This golfing adventure links the golfing paradise of Barnbougle with potentially the world's most remote golf course, Cape Wickham on King Island. All tee-off times, accommodation, transfers and flights are arranged across the three-day tour. This ensures guests have more time to relax and play golf. Cape Wickham is ranked #2 in Australia and #24 in the world. Barnbougle Dunes is ranked #4 in Australia and #31 in the world. Lost Farm is ranked #7 in Australia and #40 in the world. Tour includes flights from Essendon Airport Melbourne > Barnbougle Airfield > King Island > Essendon Airport Melbourne, two nights on course accommodation at Lost Farm Lodge, 18 holes at Barnbougle Dunes, 20 holes at Barnbougle Lost Farm, 18 holes at Cape Wickham and all ground transfers. As this is a private charter tour, the per-person prices change depending on the number of passengers. Minimum two passengers and maximum eight passengers per aircraft (two aircraft available).

Non Smoking

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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