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Adventure Devonport | Explore the Don

Devonport, Tasmania
E-Bike Tours Tasmania
There’s nothing like starting your day with a scenic ride and ending it with a satisfying meal and great company. This adventure takes you through the picturesque city of Devonport, offering a nice blend of beach, landmarks and local charm. We set off on the bikes on the freshly paved bike tracks tracks. A stop for coffee and we’re back on the bikes again towards the Bluff Lighthouse for a photo opportunity. Before lunch, we hop on the Don River Railway, visit the museum and get a glimpse of history. End the day with some good food and sun at Marion Storm. If you love fresh air, a bit of exercise, great food, and adventure, this tour offers the perfect blend for a day out in Devonport. The E-Bikes do most of the work for you, so you can have an enjoyable ride without being overly fatigued. DIFFICULTY Mild - Riding a bike on a smooth gravel surface

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Mountain Biking

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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