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Ridgeline Pottery

Storage pots in Showroom
Our Showroom
Woodfired Table Vase
Garagistes Restaurant
Ben at the wheel working on a vase
Our Wood Kilns
Work in progress
Ben Richardson is an award winning potter, known Australia wide for his contemporary wood fired ceramics made from local clay and glaze materials. Ben has collected and tested these materials for 40 years and is represented in museums and private collections in Australia and around the world. Ridgeline Pottery is also a working pottery, making functional tableware for several of the best restaurants in and around Hobart such as Aloft restaurant, Templo and The Black Footed Pig and The Stock Market. Ben is currently making work for Quay and Bennelong in Sydney and Attica in Melbourne. His contemporary tableware also features on the dining tables of many private users who have enjoyed them in these restaurants. You can visit Ben and see him making work, browse our showroom for a full range of his wares while enjoying the environment that so inspires him. 2021 brings time to reflect and move forward into new and exciting developments where pots and accommodation join hands.


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