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Stanley Golf Club

Playing golf
The Stanley Golf Club is a nine-hole coastal course at Stanley, North West Tasmania. Stanley is a classified historic town, a 20-minute drive north-east of Smithton (22 km) and a 90-minute drive west of Devonport (127 km). A typical links-style course, the Stanley Golf Club has a relatively flat layout with watered greens and tees. The course is set among sand dunes about 10 m from the sea and has some interesting challenges including bunkers, a dam and strong Bass Strait winds. The course offers great views of the coast and Stanley's famous Nut - the remains of an extinct volcano rising 152 m from the sea. Visitors are welcome and casual green fees are paid into an honesty box. A Men's competition is held each Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 1 pm and the Ladies' competition is each Wednesday and Saturday at 10 am. You can enjoy a drink in the bar each weekday from 3 pm, Saturday from 11 am and from 3 pm Sunday. Club and buggy hire, practice facilities and showers are also available. The Stanley Golf Club hosts The Nut Major Open Event each year in mid-November. Holes: 9, Par: 66, Length: 4,706 m, Australian Course Rating: 64.




Disabled access available, contact operator for details.


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